Stanislaus of Szczepanów
Persons, originating from Poland

Stanislaus of Szczepanów

Born: July 26, 1030 in Szczepanów, Poland
Died: April 11, 1079 in Cracow
Name in Polish: Stanisław Szczepanowski
Stanislaus of Szczepanów, was a Bishop of Kraków known chiefly for having been martyred by the Polish king Bolesław II the Bold. Stanislaus is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Stanislaus the Martyr (as distinct from Stanislaus Kostka).

Stanislaus was slain by King Bolesław after the king had been excommunicated for his war crimes and the planned theft of land from the Church. Stanislas was killed while he celebrated the Mass. The reaction against King Bolesław was so severe that he had to flee the country, never to return. Stanislaus became a symbol of Polish patriotism and nationalism.
Stanislaus was canonized in 1253. His feast day is on April 11 (May 8 in Krakow). He is the patron of Poland, the city of Krakow and also of soldiers in battle.
More information

Image from the Hungarian Kings' Anjou Legendarium. →
1 - Saint Stanislaus being ordained as bishop.
2 - Saint Stanislaus resurrects Peter.
3 - King Bolesław murders Saint Stanislaus.
4 - Stanislaus' body is cut in pieces.

Polonica stamps:

Vatican City 1979, 18 V